F/CH Gaelscoil Na gCloch Liath, Bealach Laighean, Na Clocha Liatha,
Co. Chill Mhantáin, A63 AN22

Fúinn / About Us
Welcome to NaÃonra na gCloch Liath
We are a Part time day care NaÃonra established in Greystones since September 2009. We cater for up to 44 children for the NaÃonra session and 36 children in our afterschool.
We plan a comprehensive play-based curriculum giving the child the opportunity to acquire Irish naturally through the medium of Irish at NaÃonra na gCloch Liath, using both our indoors and outdoors facilities.
Our NaÃonra is run by qualified and experienced staff. All staff, any students and volunteers will be Garda Vetted. We operate to the regulations as set out in the Childcare (Pre-School Services) Regulations 2006, we are fully insured, and Tusla notified. Staff have a range of both Occupational First Aid and Paediatric First Aid and FAR.
Our aim is to provide quality care and education for children through the Irish language, to help each to learn and develop as an individual, providing a stimulating, broad curriculum and a happy environment in which to do so.
NaÃonra na gCloch Liath is owned and managed by Valerie UÃ Cruallaigh and Dorothy NÃ Chonaill.
Both Valerie and Dorothy are responsible for the day to day running of the NaÃonra, Valerie is currently responsible for administration/Classroom Leader and is the child protection officer, and Dorothy is responsible for LINC in the running of the classroom. They are assisted by Leonie Woodcock and Patricia Johnson.
Thank you for choosing NaÃonra na gCloch Liath